We collect no information, personal or otherwise, on you via the autoTween Animate iOS app. This includes but is not limited to email addresses, other installed apps, user names, browsing history, photo albums, device identifier, etc. We therefore do not share any information with third parties because we have nothing with which to do so. The app also does not sell ad space to advertisers. The app is supported by its one-time purchase price on the iOS app store.

If the user chooses to export animated sequences to mp4, jpg, or png, the user will be prompted only once to grant access of the app to the Photos app. Saying yes to the prompt will allow exported work to be viewable in Photos albums, in addition to the autoTween Animate folder of the Files app, where work is saved and always accessible. Sayine no to the prompt results in no adverse behavior of the app -- work will still be exported and saved in the autoTween Animate folder of the Files app. The prompt does not mean the app is accessing photos on your device.